Affordable Healthcare Plans for Individuals & Families

Here’s Why CHC is a “Must Have” for You

How We Do it

✓  You Receive Medical Provider Discounts:  From about 10% to 50% or more on each Medical Service.

  You Receive Cash Reimbursements from CHC:  50% on each Medical Service.

  You Receive Discounts & Subsidies:  For Being Healthy, Having a Family, Being a Senior, Having a Low Income.

✓  No Limitations:  If you want them on your plan, they are included!

  Family Members:  Adopted & Extended families, grandparents, aunts, uncles all can be included at an affordable price.

  Include Your Pets:  They are family too!

  No Age Restrictions:  No dependant age limitations

  No “In-Network” Requirement or Limitations

  Use Any Medical Provider. Even Specialists and “Holistic” Medical Providers.

  Use Any Medical Service. Included Popular Coverages such as Dental, Vision, Hearing, Holistic, Acupuncture & Chiropractic.

  Anywhere in the World

✓  No Co-Pay

  No Co-Insurance

No Deductible

  Reimbursements up to $1,000 per year

  Healthy Discount:  For being Healthy

  Family Discount:  The larger your family, the greater your Discount

  Senior Discount:  When over 55

✓   Income Subsidy:  For persons with a lower income. Check with us to see if you qualify

  Loss of Income Subsidy:  If and when you lose your income due to a medical event, CHC will pay your CHC Healthcare Plan’s monthly price

Your Personal Healthcare Advocate

  Helps you manage your entire healthcare program

  Reviews your medical bills for possible billing errors

  Reviews to see if you are getting medical service discounts

  Negotiates payment terms with Medical Providers

  Helps you locate affiliated Medical Providers

  Helps you with general healthcare questions

  Your monthly CHC Healthcare Plan price will not increase

  The prices for your Coverages & Benefits will not increase

  Add additional Coverages & Benefits at any time at today’s price

  Flex Term from 1 month to 3 years:  Use CHC Flex Term instead of the much more expensive COBRA. Choose a shorter term if you may receive an employer healthcare plan

  CHC Healthcare Plans are More Affordable than ACA and Group Plans:  About 50% less expensive per month. Out-of-Pocket costs are about 80% or more less expensive.

  Each CHC Plan is Individually Designed by and for You:  Not by an insurance company or the government.

  You can use any Medical Provider, Any Medical Service, Anywhere in the World:  No “In-Network” requirement.  No limitations!

Included Popular Coverages:  Traditional Medical, Dental, Vision, Hearing. Plus Holistic, Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Labs, Tests & X-Rays, Vaccines, Medical Transportation and more.

  Prescription Medications are Reimbursed 100%:  No Deductibles or Co-Pays.

  No Deductibles or Co-Insurance:  Only a single, affordable Co-Pay.

  You Receive Plan Discounts From Medical Providers:  For CHC Members and other people who pay on day of service.  5% to 30% from Primary Care and Urgent Care facilities.  Specialists, more.  To 90% for Hospitals.

  You Receive Plan Discounts from CHC:  For Being Healthy, Having a Family, Being a Senior, Having a Low Income.

  Financial Subsidies:

Loss of Income Subsidy – If and when you lose your income due to a medical event, CHC will pay your CHC Healthcare Plan’s monthly price.

ACA & Group Plan Financial Subsidy – CHC will pay your ACA or Group plan’s costs when you are diagnosed with a major medical illness and an ACA or Group plan is recommended.

  Receive your personal CHC Healthcare Concierge:  Helps you manage your entire Healthcare Program. Reviews your bills for possible billing errors. Locates medical service discounts and cost-effective Medical Providers. Answers your healthcare questions.

  Get a Community Healthcare Savings Account (CHSA):  Our CHSA is similar to a federal HSA with greater benefits.  Here’s a key difference.  CHC matches your CHSA Contributions and pays you 5% interest on your CHSA balances.

  Get Sponsorship Bonuses:  You can receive $100 for each person or family you Sponsor who join and purchase a CHC Healthcare Plan.

  Earn Extra Income – Start a New Business:  Become a CHC Rep.  Join CHC!

  Price-Lock Guarantee:  No price increase options for up to 3 years.

  Plus More… Contact CHC!

The Following are Representative Prices:  One CHC Healthcare Plan, which can be customized by choosing may different options.  The CHC prices include popular coverages such as Wellness visits, Dental, Vision, Hearing plus Holistic, Chiropractic, and Acupuncture Medical Services.

ACA & Group Plans only include Wellness visits until the Plan’s Out-of-Pocket costs are met.  Dental, Vision, Hearing are extra costs that need to be purchased from other insurance companies. Holistic, Chiropractic, Acupuncture are usually not covered.

Out-of-Pocket Costs:  CHC has no Deductible or Co-Insurance Cost. Only a single, affordable Co-Pay with a Maximum of $1,000 Out-of-Pocket cost per Medical Claim.

ACA & Group Plans:  The annual Deductible and Co-Insurance Cost is about $8,000.  This cost must be paid before the ACA pays any Medical costs.  The only exception is an annual Wellness exam.  Not Very Affordable!

Note:  Because a CHC Healthcare Plan has more coverages than an ACA or Group plan, this is not a true “Apples to Apples” comparison.

Sponsor New CHC Members or Become a CHC Representative

  Receive “Sponsorship Cash” from CHC:  Receive $100 for each person and family you Sponsor.

  Sponsor New CHC Members:  Help your family, friends, neighbors, business associates get a an affordable CHC Healthcare plan.

  No-Limit to the Sponsorship Cash you can receive:  Use your Sponsorship Cash to pay Co-Pays and other Medical Services.

  Become a CHC Independent Representative:  Receive more compensation and a FREE CHC Healthcare Plan. 

To Learn More, Go toFor Independent Reps“.  Contact CHC for details.

The Community Healthcare CooperativeCHC is a community-focused, member-funded organization, providing affordable healthcare solutions for individuals, families and employers.

CHC Is similar to an Agricultural Cooperative, which provides a “One-Stop” community service for farmers.  CHC is a “One-Stop” healthcare service for you and everyone in your community.

Our Mission:  To make healthcare affordable, less financially risky and easier to manage.

Corporate Headquarters:  We’re located in Colorado and offer our CHC Membership & CHC Healthcare Plan anywhere in the U.S. and the World.  We’ve been around for over eight years.

People Insuring People is Who We Are

To Learn More:  To see other areas of the Website, Navigate using the “Header Selections”. Visit “FAQs” to get answers to many common questions.

To Contact CHC:  Have questions?  Want to talk about CHC?  Click the Action ButtonContact CHC Concierge Services”.

To Get a Healthcare Quote Now For Yourself, Click the Acton ButtonRequest Your Healthcare Quote ”.

To have us do a Quote for YouClick the Action Button “Contact CHC Concierge Services. Use theHow We can Helpdrop-down to select “Request Your Healthcare Quote“. Include any questions or requests. Then “Submit”. We’ll be back to shortly.

To Become a CHC Rep:  Click the Action ButtonApply to Become a CHC Representative”.  The “To Contact Us” form will appear.  Enter your contact information.  Use the “How We can Help” drop-down to request your Rep Application.  Include any questions or requests.  Then “Submit”.   We’ll be back to shortly.

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