Healthcare Plans for Independent Sales Reps & Marketing Organizations

Your Role as a CHC Independent Representative

Everyone Needs an Affordable Healthcare Plan

Virtually every person and every employer need and want a healthcare plan. What stands in their way is the cost. You solve the cost issue and you’ll make a sale!

What You Do

  Introduce CHC and briefly describe the CHC Healthcare Cooperative

  Explain that CHC is not an insurance company and the CHC Healthcare Plan is not insurance.

  Describe the CHC Healthcare Plan’s Coverages and Benefits

  Do a Quote

  Answer questions, complete and submit your client’s application to CHC

  After the sale, maintain a relationship with your client

  What you do not do is Process any Medical Claims

Everyone – Individuals, Families and Employers

Your prospects fall into four categories

People who have no healthcare insurance:  Many people have gone without because they can’t afford the cost.  Show them that CHC has Healthcare Plans that start as low as $38 per week.

People who have traditional insurance:  These people are paying too much. These people are not aware of CHC and our Healthcare plan’s affordability and benefits.

Employers – Without Group Insurance:  These employers likely want to offer a healthcare plan for their employees, but can’t afford the cost. Show this group that they can offer a CHC Healthcare Plan to their employees without paying a subsidy or any cost.

Employers – With Group Insurance:  The other group are employers who have a “Group” insurance plan are paying too much for their Group plan. They usually pay a subsidy to make the monthly cost more affordable for their Staff. With CHC there is no need to pay a subsidy because of the lower CHC Healthcare Plan’s price.

These employers also usually have a low employee take rate because of the cost. With CHC’s lower cost, the Staff take rate will be higher.

What is most disturbing is almost all Group plans have about an $8,000 out-of-pocket cost. Double that for a family plan. Most employees can’t pay $8,000 to use their Group plan. So, an employer may be subsidizing their Group plan that is unaffordable to use by the Staff.

Your role, for each category, is to educate and do a Quote:  Show the comparison between the CHC Healthcare Plan and their current ACA or Group healthcare plan.

Which Prospects are the Best Prospects? Employers!

Reason:  If you focus on single individuals, the time you spend explaining CHC may result in only one new sale.  The time spent with a family may result in the equivalent of four sales.  However, a presentation with an employer, depending on staff size, can result in 10s to 100s of sales.


Your Territory:  You are not limited to any territory. CHC is available to anyone in the U.S., Citizen and Non-citizen.

Prospects:  Unlike some sales where you are restricted by area or the nature of the product or service, everyone is a CHC prospect.

Everyone needs an affordable healthcare plan; individuals, families, and employers.

Marketing Suggestions

Locate In an Employer’s Office:  If the company is large, work with their HR department. If smaller, work with the owner to be introduced to all new and current employees.

Set-Up a location in a Retail Mall:  Retail Malls have a significant flow of people. Establish an office or other local presence recommended by the Mall Leasing company. Contact CHC for leads and additional information.

Locate In Doctor and Dentist Offices:  While people are waiting, your opportunity is to talk with them about getting a Free Healthcare Cost analysis (Quote).

Establish Relationships with Realtors:  Real estate brokers are working with people moving into your area and those purchasing a new home. That’s the time to get these people a CHC Healthcare Plan.

Establish Relationships with Financial Planners:  Healthcare is a fundamental and key financial planning subject

Join the Chamber of Commerce:  Many companies. Be a speaker.

Affiliate with Religious Organizations:  Many already promote “Christian-Based” healthcare plans. These organizations can’t get Group insurance for their part-timers and volunteers.  Develop a healthcare outreach to all the organizations members.  Provide CHC to them all.

Let us know of any novel ideas you have

How Car Dealerships Make More Money than Selling Cars

Their Business Model:  Long ago car dealerships learned that just selling cars was not enough.  They began offering insurance and financing, which allowed them to sell more cars and significantly increase their dealership’s income.

Dealerships created the Finance and Insurance (F&I) department.  After the “Car Sale” the F&I person sells Finance and Insurance.  F&I created a major income stream for the dealership.

In many cases, the FYI “Annuity Income” is greater than the “Transactional Income” from the sale of the car.

How You can use this Successful Business Model

Create a “CHC Member Services” Office:  The same business model can be adopted by you.  Co-Locate in a medical office building or with a large employer.  Also consider, setting-up an office in a high traffic area.  Such as a retail Mall.  Like a State-Farm agency.

Your Opportunity:  You have thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands, of dollars of potential income.   Every resident and employer in your Community needs affordable healthcare.  Position yourself in the Community to offer everyone in your Community an affordable CHC Healthcare Plan.

We’ll show you how to turn this potential income into actual cash

  CHC Healthcare Plans are More Affordable than ACA and Group Plans:  About 50% less expensive per month.  Out-of-Pocket costs are about 80% or more less expensive.

  Each CHC Plan is Individually Designed by and for You and Your Client:  Not by an insurance company or the government.

  Your Client can use any Medical Provider, Any Medical Service, Anywhere in the World:  No “In-Network” requirement.  No limitations!

Included popular coverages:  Traditional Medical, Holistic, Dental, Vision, Hearing, Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Labs, Tests & X-Rays, Vaccines, Critical Illness, Medical Transportation and more.

  Prescription Medications are Reimbursed 100%:  No Deductibles or Co-Pays.

✓  No Deductibles or Co-Insurance:  Only a single, affordable Co-Pay.

  Your Client Receives Plan Discounts:  For Being Healthy, Having a Family, Being a Senior, Having a Low Income.

  Financial Subsidies:

Loss of Income Subsidy – If and when your Client looses their income due to a medical event, CHC will pay their CHC Healthcare Plan’s monthly price.

ACA & Group Plan Financial Subsidy – CHC will pay your Clients ACA or Group plan’s costs when they are diagnosed with a major medical illness and an ACA or Group plan is recommended.

  Your Client receives a personal CHC Healthcare Concierge:  Helps your Client manage their entire Healthcare Program.  Reviews their bills for possible billing errors.  Locates medical service discounts and cost-effective Medical Providers.  Answers their healthcare questions.

  Your Client gets a Community Healthcare Savings Account (CHSA):  Our CHSA is similar to a federal HSA with greater benefits.  Here’s a key difference.  CHC matches your Client’s CHSA Contributions and pays 5% interest on their CHSA balances.

Price-Lock Guarantee:  No price increase options for up to 3 years.

  Your Client can get Sponsorship Bonuses:  They can receive $100 for each person or family they refer to you when the person joins CHC and purchases a CHC Healthcare Plan.

  Plus More… Contact CHC!

Each CHC Healthcare Plan is personalized by each Staff Member

The Following are Representative Prices: One CHC Healthcare Plan, which can be customized by choosing may different options. The CHC prices include popular coverages such as Wellness visits, Dental, Vision, Hearing plus Holistic, Chiropractic, and Acupuncture Medical Services.

ACA & Group Plans only include Wellness visits until the Plan’s Out-of-Pocket costs are met. Dental, Vision, Hearing are extra costs that need to be purchased from other insurance companies. Holistic, Chiropractic, Acupuncture are usually not covered.

Out-of-Pocket Costs: CHC has no Deductible or Co-Insurance Cost. Only a single, affordable Co-Pay with a Maximum of $1,000 Out-of-Pocket cost per Medical Claim.

ACA & Group Plans: The annual Deductible and Co-Insurance Cost is about $8,000. This cost must be paid before the ACA pays any Medical costs. The only exception is an annual Wellness exam. Not Very Affordable!

Note: Because a CHC Healthcare Plan has more coverages than an ACA or Group plan, this is not a true “Apples to Apples” comparison.

The Community Healthcare CooperativeCHC is a community-focused, member-funded organization, providing affordable healthcare solutions for individuals, families and employers.

CHC Is similar to an Agricultural Cooperative, which provides a “One-Stop” community service for farmers. CHC is a “One-Stop” healthcare service for you and everyone in your community.

Our Mission:  To make healthcare affordable, less financially risky and easier to manage.

A CHC Plan is Affordable:  The CHC Healthcare Plan’s monthly cost is about 50% lower than any ACA or Group insurance plan. The CHC Healthcare Plan is not insurance, therefore you are not required to pay for coverages you don’t want.

We only offer one Healthcare Plan. Why not more? The CHC Healthcare Plan includes all Medical Services with no deductibles or co-insurance costs. Just a simple and affordable Co-Pay. That’s the reason we only need to offer one healthcare plan.

Member Services:  Every CHC Member receives a personal CHC Healthcare Concierge to help the Member with a wide range of health and cost related issues.

Corporate Headquarters:  We’re located in Colorado and offer our CHC Membership & CHC Healthcare Plan anywhere in the U.S. and the World.  We’ve been around for over eight years.

People Insuring People is Who We Are

To Learn More:  To see other areas of the Website, Navigate using the “Header Selections”.  Visit “FAQs” to get answers to many common questions.

To Contact CHC:  Have questions?  Want to talk about CHC?  Click the Action ButtonContact CHC Concierge Services”.

To Get a Healthcare Quote Now For Yourself:  Click the Acton ButtonRequest Your Healthcare Quote ”. 

To Apply to become a CHC Rep:  Click the Acton ButtonApply to Become a CHC Representative”.

Thanks for Your Continued Interest

Your Compensation

CHC Pays Annuity Compensation

Your Compensation: 10% of the monthly CHC Plan price.

Your Annuity Compensation:  Unlike traditional insurance sales, that reduce your commissions after the first year, your CHC compensation is an “Annuity Compensation”.  

Annuity Compensation means you receive your compensation month after month, year after year as long as you and your sourced CHC Member remain with CHC.

Annuity Income is the Only way to build a Business that allows you to retire and still have a great, on-going income!

CHC Pays Override and Annuity Compensation

Establish a Local CHC Office:  To further increase your income, build a local CHC business. Hire, train and manage a team of CHC Reps. Make CHC a career. Be your own boss. Become financially independent!

Compensation:  For each CHC Rep you recruit, train and manage, CHC pays you a 5% Over-Ride bonus based on the sales volume of your Reps.

Your Reps are paid the standard 10% compensation.

How You Receive Your Compensation makes a difference

Introduction:  First, we’re going to use some financial terms. Then give you some examples and show how it all relates to your Association.

➪  Transactional Income is when you receive payment when you sell a product or a service. With Transactional Income you get paid once per transaction.

  Annuity Income is when you receive on-going income from a sale. Usually, without doing anything additional. Of course, you must do something once. But after that one event, you would receive continuing income. Your Membership dues are a form of Annuity Income.

The “Bottom-Line”:  As you can see, Annuity Income is much better than Transactional Income. Annuity Income is needed by you if you want to sustain and grow your business. The more Members who join CHC, the more Annuity Compensation you receive.

Becoming a CHC Representative has the potential to significantly change your income and your future.

Especially if you want take time off, enjoy life and your family! Go CHC!

Worth hundreds of dollars to You

Effective Date:  Your CHC Healthcare Plan starts when you become a CHC Rep

Include Family Members:  For a small additional charge you can add family members, including your pets

Your CHC Support

We Want You to be Successful

Sales Support:  Each CHC Rep is teamed with an experienced CHC Master Rep. You can receive help with Quotes, and even presentations.

Training Support:  CHC will train you to use the CHC Quote form. Training in sales and product knowledge also is available.

Client Service Support:  When any of your clients’ needs assistance, the CHC Home Team will service your client for you. CHC is your “Back-Office” managing the day-to-day CHC Member needs including medical claims and other medically related questions.

Our objective is to keep you in front of prospects and away from non-sales activities.

Marketing Material Support:  Business cards, presentation hand-outs are all available and can be customized for you.

Documents, Electronic SS, Personalized Website

Documents:  CHC has a wide variety of approved marketing documents. We do supply you with both a PDF and an excel SS quote forms. If you desire to use any communication, marketing or advertising materials not supplied by CHC, then you must submit the proposed marketing materials and advertising for written approval by CHC before use.

CHC can also provide you with a personalized website. Contact us for details.

Spread Sheet – Computer:  Power Point, Excel

Personalized Website:  CHC can also provide you with a personalized website. Contact us for details.

CHC can also provide you with a personalized website. Contact us for details.

On-Line & Local:  We use ZOOM and other electronic aids. In addition, you will have an experienced CHC Representative available to assist you as you request.


You design your Lead Campaign:  Number, location and type of Leads

Cost:  Varies from about $3.00 to $30.00 depending on the Lead type.

Consider:  The cost of a Lead Generation Program is small compared to the results.

For example, if your Lead cost is $15. And the Lead produced a  $250 per month sale, your compensation would be $25 per month. Your lead cost is paid back in one month.


Reason:  Because you are not being compensated for any insurance sales.

If you have an insurance license you can continue to receive your commissions.

We do want to make sure that your insurance sales do not conflict with CHC.


Reason:  Because traditional healthcare insurance and the CHC Healthcare plan are all about Cost. Not “Healthcare”. 

Knowing how to present “Healthcare Cost” is the most important factor in the sale process. You will learn how to present Healthcare Cost  and the benefits of the CHC Healthcare Plan very quickly.


Consider:  The more time and effort you put into your business, the more rewards you’ll have.

To Learn More:  To see other areas of the Website, Navigate using the “Header Selections”. Visit “FAQs” to get answers to many common questions.

To Contact CHC: Have questions? Want to talk about CHC? Click the Action ButtonContact CHC Concierge Services”.

To Get a Healthcare Quote Now For Yourself:  Click the Acton ButtonRequest Your Healthcare Quote ”. 

To Apply to become a CHC Rep: Click the Acton ButtonApply to Become a CHC Representative”.

Thanks for Your Continued Interest


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